Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Open Source Energy

Linus Torvalds brought the open source software movement to the notice of all with his Linux operating system (kernel). From that time (I guess) the open source movement (GPL) really took off and today huge amount of software is available free of cost which is more secure and probably is more user-friendly than proprietary software, since it is developed by users themselves. Firefox browser is one well known example. It is much more rich in features as compared to Internet Explorer. And it is developed by a community of people, working free of cost. This has brought software in the reach of common man. Such software is also, usually, less resource hungry and hence can run on older computer systems as well. In a nutshell, it is very effective and efficient!

Can this same movement be repeated in making new advances in production of energy, which is the biggest crisis the world is facing or will face really soon? Can innovative, knowledgeable minds come together and develop some technology which uses solar power (which I guess is the most reliable source of energy in the "long term") as source of energy to provide for Earth's energy demands? Can we have "Open Source Energy?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well Said and Well Thought but I doubt how many of us shall really trust open source energy like most of us still go for licensed one softwares and are ok in spending more...