Sunday, October 07, 2007

Supersonic Jets

Supersonic jets travel faster than the speed of sound. So is it difficult to maintain a communication with that plane? The plane will be able to contact the ground control, but how will the 'voice' of ground control reach the plane if it is traveling faster than the speend of sound?

I know that was a dumb one. Because the medium of transferring the 'voice' will be radio waves which travel at the speed of light. (Hmm... but this seemed a promising idea when it struck me first.)

Now check out this another scenario. Now the plane travels at the speed of light. How is communication possible with that plane? I suspect that the theory of relativity (I don't know whether the general theory or the special one) will take care of that also. But I have never really attempted to understand it (or rather it would be more appropriate {and honest} to say that I did not understand it!).

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