Friday, December 11, 2009

Renewable Energy

I don't understand why energy sources like solar or wind energy called renewable energy. Who is renewing the energy? The Sun is dying. Everything that exists has to perish. Also, the energy itself is not renewed. Once spent, it is lost forever.

Why is it then called renewable? What could be more appropriate name for it?

These "renewable energy sources" are usually non-polluting sources. So can it simply be called non-polluting energy?

Up and down

It is because we stand on the Earth that we have a concept of up and down. We stand on firm land. So down is always solid, hard land.

Imagine yourself in dark space in a personalized "space capsule". Anywhere you look, you will find vast space ahead, upward, below and behind you. Without any reference point like Earth, there will be no up and no down......... or no direction for that matter! A really strange feeling unknown to us!

Hope you were able to imagine what I intended to convey.